Travel tips from your Plane Jane

Comparison Shock: Is Pittsburgh Airport Stealthily Bigger Than Cleveland?

Jane is the creator and editor of Plane Jane Trips, a website dedicated to sharing travel tips and tricks for air travel on a budget. With over 15 years of experience planning affordable getaways, Jane loves helping fellow travelers save money while still enjoying memorable vacations.

What To Know

  • The passenger capacity of an airport is a crucial indicator of its size and importance.
  • While CLE is a respectable airport in its own right, its size and capacity pale in comparison to those of PIT.
  • The convenience of an airport depends on a variety of factors, including location, accessibility, and the availability of flights to desired destinations.

The question of whether Pittsburgh Airport is bigger than Cleveland Airport has sparked curiosity among travelers and aviation enthusiasts alike. Both airports serve as major transportation hubs in their respective regions, but their size and capacity have often been compared. In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve into the details to determine which airport reigns supreme in terms of size.

Size Comparison

To determine which airport is larger, we will examine their physical dimensions and passenger capacity.

Land Area

Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT) covers an area of approximately 9,000 acres (3,642 hectares). In contrast, Cleveland Hopkins International Airport (CLE) spans an area of approximately 2,900 acres (1,173 hectares). Based on land area alone, Pittsburgh Airport is significantly larger than Cleveland Airport.

Terminal Buildings

PIT features a single, sprawling terminal building that encompasses 1.3 million square feet (120,774 square meters). CLE, on the other hand, has two separate terminals: the Frank E. Joseph Terminal and the Hopkins International Terminal. Combined, these terminals provide approximately 1.2 million square feet (111,484 square meters) of space. While CLE’s terminals are smaller individually, their combined area is comparable to that of PIT’s single terminal.

Passenger Capacity

The passenger capacity of an airport is a crucial indicator of its size and importance. PIT boasts an annual passenger capacity of approximately 30 million passengers. CLE, on the other hand, has an annual passenger capacity of approximately 14 million passengers. Based on passenger capacity, Pittsburgh Airport is more than twice the size of Cleveland Airport.


Based on the evidence presented, it is clear that Pittsburgh Airport is significantly larger than Cleveland Airport. PIT’s vast land area, expansive terminal building, and higher passenger capacity all contribute to its status as a major transportation hub in the region. While CLE is a respectable airport in its own right, its size and capacity pale in comparison to those of PIT.

Additional Considerations


PIT has four runways, while CLE has three runways. This difference in runway count could impact the number of flights that each airport can handle simultaneously.

Cargo Capacity:

PIT’s cargo facilities handle approximately 425,000 tons of cargo annually, while CLE’s cargo facilities handle approximately 140,000 tons of cargo annually. PIT’s larger cargo capacity makes it a more important hub for the transportation of goods.

Amenities and Services:

Both PIT and CLE offer a wide range of amenities and services to passengers, including restaurants, shops, and ground transportation options. However, PIT’s larger size allows it to accommodate a greater variety and quantity of amenities.

Basics You Wanted To Know

Q: Why is Pittsburgh Airport so much larger than Cleveland Airport?
A: Pittsburgh Airport was built on a large tract of land that was previously used for steel production. This land was available at a relatively low cost, allowing for the construction of a sprawling airport complex.

Q: Does the larger size of Pittsburgh Airport translate into better service?
A: While size can be an indicator of capacity and potential for service, it does not always guarantee better service. Both PIT and CLE have received positive feedback from passengers, indicating that both airports provide a good overall experience.

Q: Which airport is more convenient for travelers?
A: The convenience of an airport depends on a variety of factors, including location, accessibility, and the availability of flights to desired destinations. Both PIT and CLE are conveniently located near major highways and offer a wide range of flight options. The best airport for a particular traveler will depend on their individual needs.

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Jane is the creator and editor of Plane Jane Trips, a website dedicated to sharing travel tips and tricks for air travel on a budget. With over 15 years of experience planning affordable getaways, Jane loves helping fellow travelers save money while still enjoying memorable vacations.
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